Teacher Resources

Did you know you can opt out of the teachers union
and save the over $1000.00 in union dues a year?

Have you actually asked the question – what does the CTA really do for you? 

Here are two less expensive options, with double the coverage, to get the insurance and legal benefits the teachers have been told they need.

And to leave the union, check out our partner BYE BYE UNIONS!

Written Resources for Educators

Opt Out Teachers
Gavel Product

Leave the Teacher's Union

The CTA, or as we like to call it, the Education Mafia is perceived number one most powerful across our great nation. The truth is they actually rank 37th in the services they provide. This means out of 50 states, the Ed Mafia ranks close to last in what they provide to teachers. If you do your research, it will be come clear you do not need to expend the $1,100 plus a year to be a member as the value is just not there.

  1. CTA spends 60% of its revenues on politics – Do you agree with their politics?
  2. Other organizations provide double the insurance and legal coverage for 1/4 of the price!
  3. Rarely does the Ed Mafia provide you an actual lawyer when you need them. Usually you get your co-worker to negotiate disagreements. :/ :/

Cannot believe the CTA is really that useless? Do you still have questions?

Check out the tool kit below.

Learn more then dump the Ed Mafia! We can help.


CPUnion is developing beta test sites across California to replace the CTA designated collective bargaining representatives. If you have support, the process is simple. Once 5o% plus ONE of teachers in a local union leave, they can choose their own representative per the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA). CPUnion is developing a list of collective bargaining experts for you to choose from to help teachers negotiate with their employers and strengthen the relationship with the parents and in their district.

Imagine an actual lawyer who has the worldview you have – namely building, nurturing, and preserving teacher/parent/student relationships while acting as your collective bargaining representative? We can. And we are helping California Teachers do it.
Contact tracy@californiaparentsunion.com for more details.